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  • Q What is required to display a 3D hologram?


    To display a 3D hologram, three things are usually required:

    1. A hologram projector (also known as a holography pyramid or holography display), which makes the holographic 3D projection possible.
    2. A 3D hologram that is projected straight into the room and displays the content (in our example, the whiskey that virtually flows into the glass).
    3. A real object or product that is displayed by the hologram (in our example the glass).

    Hologram projectors are available in various sizes, which are optimally adapted to suit various purposes and products. 3D holograms offer a wide variety of applications.



  • Q How does Holo Gauze work?

    A Holo-Gauze retains polarization of light to work with 3D stereoscopic video projection and passive 3D glasses. Anything black that is projected will be transparent, meaning you can film anything on a black background, from a car to a ballerina and it will look like a hologram floating in mid-air.
  • Q What is Holo Gauze?

    A Holo-Gauze is a highly reflective and transparent projection net which supports 3D polarised projections. Its tiny, silvered threads create sharp and bright images when projected upon but are almost invisible when unlit.

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